How can a Light Box transform spectators into artists?
Antiloop Showcases its “Light Box” at Art Battle
Art Battle is a global live art tournament that takes place in 50 cities around the world. Hundreds of artists compete in three 20 minutes rounds while transforming blank canvas to finished works. Then, the audience decides the winner of the night, who will participate at the World Championship Final event in Tokyo.
The past 16th of November, Art Battle landed in Barcelona for a thrilling night of “speed dating art.” We were invited by the organization to add a layer of interaction by showcasing our Light Box installation.

Light Box is a thin volumetric structure of aluminium formed by more than 150m of led lines forming its perimeter. The installation synchronises with the participant standing inside the box and reacts according to its movements. Participants become artists by creating unique ephemeral light art moments.
Thanks to a motion tracking system, the piece allows users to move freely while playing with colors, intensity and geometry in a complete immersive space.
As the box has no walls, the experience is not only individual but becomes a collective event.

It is said that interaction is a reciprocal action or influence. Thanks to this mutual influence and dialogue between gesture and light, the spectator becomes a performer of the artwork.

It was the first time we had the opportunity to observe so many people interacting with our installation, and we learned a lot of responses about their behaviour. A special mention must be made for kids and spontaneous dancers which always stayed focused on the magic of the experience, and paid no attention to the audience.

Meanwhile, the talented Katarzyna Rzedzian aka @rudakata won the contest and will compete in Tokyo. We fell so in love with her colorful and intense portraits that we ended up buying the two paintings she created that night.

If you want to experiment the Light Box, please visit us at our warehouse/showroom. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about its capabilities, do not hesitate to contact us at: